Juggling Chaos

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Just Wondering

As I got dressed this morning, I started wondering. If I put my control-top pantyhose on backwards and inside out, does that make my backside look bigger?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Twice in the past week--twice--people have said to me that they wished someone had not told them the truth, that they had lied instead. Not about big things or personal things, just things to make them feel better.

What is up with that?

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Et tu?

My ex-sister-in-law and her daughter were in a horrific car accident yesterday. My niece, because she was wearing her seatbelt, escaped with minor cuts and bruises. A good samaritan stopped, helped my niece out of the overturned car and called her father.

He also prevented her from seeing her mother lying in the middle of the highway. She'd been thrown from the car and landed 30-feet away in a lane of oncoming traffic. They flew her to the nearest trauma center, and she is in critical condition.

As my mother was telling me about the accident, she went on and on about how my ex-SIL hadn't been wearing her seatbelt. My mother even went so far as to tell my niece that sometimes people have consequences to their actions and since she had chosen to wear her seatbelt, the consequences were good. (And what was the implied corollary to that statement? Yeah. Nice.)

At that point, I just couldn't help myself. In a very sweet tone of voice, I said to my mother, "So, now you are never again going to get into my car and not put your seatbelt on, are you?"

Complete silence.

This has long been a bone of contention between us. In fact every time she gets in my car, we go through this. I have taken to looking straight at her and flat out saying that the car isn't moving unless she puts the belt on, as if she was two years old. So, as she was telling me this story, and castigating this poor woman who yet might die, all I could think was how dare you?

Sometimes I can be such a bitch.

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Trainees from another department sometimes come to observe us as we meet with clients. Tuesday, the first one from a new group came; she was polite, interested, arrived early, stayed to ask questions, introduced herself to the clients and thanked them for allowing her to sit in. Before she left, she thanked us again and said that she had learned quite a bit by observing, mentioning specific details about what she had seen.

Today, someone else came to observe. She arrived late, interrupting the meeting after it had started, said she "just wanted to get this over with," got up and left the meeting twice to answer her cell phone (which rang quite loudly), and interrupted us so she could leave early because she had technically fulfilled the requirements and wasn't staying a minute longer than was absolutely necessary.

As I watched her walk out, I thought to myself "and which one would you hire?"